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Learn Academies Trust

Learn Academies Trust

How to Apply

Our Partners

We are delighted to partner with both The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership (in partnership with the Catholic Education Service) and the National Institute of Teaching to offer a full suite of NPQs to teachers and school leaders nationwide. Both providers have developed robust and effective programmes that are developed in collaboration with the sector and informed by the best available research and evidence.

Take a look at their websites to read more details about the organisations and the courses that we deliver with them:









To start your application for an NPQ please select the course below and complete the relevant form.

Applications take approximately 15- 30-minutes and you will need to complete it in one sitting. You will be asked to check/complete the following:

  • Complete your Applicant Information & Provide your contact details 
  • Choose your NPQ Route, your course & select your cohort & area 
  • Complete information about your school e.g. how many children are on roll, the URN, number f students eligible for free school meals (details available here)
  • Answer x3 150-word questions about your experience and suitability for the course 
  • Give us the details of your Sponsor 
  • Review our Accessibility questions 
  • Review our privacy notices 

Before you begin/complete your application please ensure you have done the following:

  • Funding: Please note the completion of this application form is not confirmation of funding, we will be in touch to confirm whether you have been allocated a funded place. 
  • Your Sponsor: make sure you have received approval from your sponsor. Your sponsor is a senior person who will provide a reference for you and will be asked questions to help us determine your experience to undertake the course you have applied for. Please note: your application is not considered complete until we have received their endorsement.


For the following courses please click on the links below:







For the following courses please note we are in the North East Region: