Strategic Partnerships
Diocese of Leicester
Learn-AT is a mixed, Church of England and Community MAT, supported at member-level by the Diocese of Leicester. All Learn-AT academies, whether they are Church of England or Community schools are treasured members of the Diocesan family of schools, served and supported by the Diocese. The Diocese values and celebrates each school, its individual ethos, distinctiveness and identity, regardless of whether that identity is explicitly Christian or not. The Church of England Vision for Education, with its core values of Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity, is ‘hospitable to diversity, respects freedom of religion and belief, and encourages others to contribute from the depths of their own traditions and understandings.’
Leicestershire County Council
Through the service level agreements we maintain with the LA such as, the Performance and Business Information Service, Internal Audit, Health and Safety and Safeguarding, we maintain strong relationships with our local authority colleagues.
Strong partnerships with other Multi-Academy Trusts and LA Maintained Schools
Learn-AT works closely with the colleagues in other Diocese of Leicester multi-academy trusts and across Leicestershire and Rutland. We are committed to exploring and maximising opportunities for networking, learning from each other and developing shared services and expertise which will benefit pupils in all schools.
Headship Support
We work closely with Angela Kirk of Headship Support, who provides support for Learn-AT’s School Improvement Strategy, providing a clear and objective ‘external’ perspective. Angela is an assessment data specialist.She works in collaboration with our school leaders to develop, at all levels, leadership capacity for robust and accurate school self- evaluation and improvement.
External Consultants
Where appropriate and in response to specific school improvement and professional learning needs, we commission targeted short-term work with specialist external consultants.
The Department of Education and the Regional Schools Commissioner’s Office
Learn-AT works in partnership with colleagues at the Department for Education and the Regional School’s Commissioner’s Office to explore the contribution the trust can make to high-quality education in the wider regional context.
Chartered College of Teaching
Learn-AT is a Chartered College of Teaching Local Network. Two Learn-AT senior leaders are Founding Fellows of the College.

Whole Education and Leadership Matters
All Learn-AT schools are members of Leadership Matters and Whole Education. These important partnerships provide access to high quality leadership and curriculum development.
Confederation of School Trusts
Learn-AT is a member of the newly inaugurated Confederation of School Trusts (formerly FASNA). This organisation provides a voice for school trusts, advocating for ethical organisations, building a culture of system health and connecting and supporting executive and governance leaders.
Higher Education
The Learn-AT Teaching School works closely with the University of Leicester through our School Direct programme for Initial Teacher Training and also with De Montfort University. We offer placements in our schools for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy students from Coventry University. Student placements are supported by University specialists and a school-based mentor. This is having a significant and positive impact on the quality of
support we are able to offer SEND pupils, and building capacity in our SEND teams in schools.
We also have links with other universities through post-graduate and degree apprenticeship study, for example, the Universities of Brighton, Northampton and Nottingham Trent.
KYRA Research School and the Education Endowment Foundation
Learn-AT Associate Research School works in close partnership with Kyra Research School as part of the Education Endowment Foundation’s Research School Network. Learn-AT has worked with SPP since 2018 to develop a trust-wide, inquiry model of peer review to promote research-informed, sustainable school improvement.