New classroom opens at Great Bowden Academy

New Classrooms at Great Bowden Academy
A new purpose-built double classroom block at Great Bowden Academy was officially opened and blessed on 1st September. The school was awarded £372k for the project from Section 106 funding and the Government's Condition Improvement Fund. Revd Hils Corcoran, from Great Bowden St Peters & St Paul Church, conducted a blessing of the building, to be known as Bowden Lodge, before it was officially opened by Learn-AT's Trust Leader Stef Edwards.
Executive Headteacher, Sarah Bishop, said, “We are thrilled with these new facilities. The classrooms are wonderful spaces for learning and are a much-needed resource replacing a very dated mobile building. Staff have worked hard to set them up ready for the new term and the children have already settled in well to their new working environment. We could not be more pleased and know these new learning spaces will help our children to flourish.”