New Partnership with the National Institute of Teaching

Learn-AT Press Release for Associate College of National Institute of Teaching
Learn Academies Trust (Learn-AT) is delighted to announce the confirmation of a new and exciting partnership with the National Institute of Teaching. Learn-AT has successfully applied to become an Associate College with the National Institute working across the East Midlands.
Through Learn-AT Professional, the Trust has a substantial track record of providing high-quality, research-informed professional learning programmes as part of both regional and national partnerships. The National Institute’s vision of a school system that nurtures the talents of teachers and leaders at all stages of their careers so that they can provide children with a world-class education is closely aligned with Learn-AT's mission and values. The Institute’s commitment to being evidence-led and to evaluating its contribution to teacher development resonates with the Trust’s approach to professional development and school improvement.
The NIoT formally opened in September 2022 and is run by the School-Led Development Trust (SLDT), founded by the Harris Federation, Outwood Grange Academies Trust, Oasis Community Learning and Star Academies. Critical to the design and delivery of NIoT programmes are the regional ‘Associate Colleges’ and Learn-AT is proud to be designated an Associate College and Delivery Partner for the National Institute of Teaching. The Trust will be joining a network of fifteen other school trusts which span the country as well as a consortium of specialist partners.
Steve Roddy, Director of Education for Learn-AT said, “We are delighted to assume our role as Associate College for the NIoT, delivering programmes across the region to support ongoing teacher development. We are keen to ensure that our programmes capture, exemplify and share the lived experience of teachers and leaders.
A significant strength of this partnership with the NIoT will be providing participants with opportunities to build and share knowledge in ways that are respectful of their time, and above all, develops them as confident, expert teachers and leaders to serve the pupils in their schools.”
Regional Principal Tristan Kirkpatrick of the NIoT said: “We are alive to the challenges that schools are facing right now, and we’re keen to be able to help through our targeted, flexible programmes that are informed by research and developed in schools. Our programmes offer a high degree of authentic, realistic exemplification from real schools, empowering change in the classroom the very next day.
As well as playing a key role in the delivery of our programmes, Learn-AT will also contribute to their design, drawing on local expertise and knowledge. This ensures that programmes reflect their local contexts and the needs of the communities they serve. This partnership approach will enable us to extend our reach across the country, delivering targeted professional development where the need is greatest.”
The National Institute of Teaching provides each of the areas of the golden thread, Initial Teacher Training, the Early Career Framework and the full suite of National Professional Qualifications. In addition to this the National Institute has announced the DfE-funded development programme for CEOs of Multi Academy Trusts.
For further information about the National Institute of Teaching sign up to our mailing list here.
We look forward to working with the NIoT as part of the network of Associate Colleges to ensure effective and evidence-informed teacher development sits at the heart of education in the East Midlands region.