Wings of Peace Memorial Service at All Saints CE Wigston

After welcoming All Saints CE Primary School to our Trust recently, we were privileged to be invited to join them at their annual Wings of Peace Service, to remember the lives of the 6 Polish airmen whose plane crashed on the school site 78 years ago.
Representatives from Learn AT and the school community were joined by members of the Royal Air Force, members of Wigston's Historical Society, local governors, Father Paul from All Saints Church and the Mayor of Oadby and Wigston
The annual memorial service honours the men who made the brave decision to crash their falling plane on a field near the school to ensure the safety of the people of Wigston. In school there are several pieces of the aircraft which have been found over the years, as well as a remembrance plaque.
The school involves their Polish community, and the children, along with the support of a member of staff, represent the families of the fallen soldiers by reading a prayer in Polish. This is then followed by a reading and prayer from the local clergy as we pay tribute to those who lost their lives.
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